Steel Bending, Forming & Profiling by Intamet

In the heart of the UK’s industrial landscape, Intamet emerges as a beacon of innovation in steel bending, forming, and profiling. Our commitment to pushing metal boundaries shapes us into more than just a service provider. We are a partner in our clients’ success. With over two decades of experience, Intamet is synonymous with excellence, reliability, and precision. We transform metal into bespoke solutions that power industries.

Our Approach to Metal Manipulation

At Intamet, we view the art of metal bending as a harmonious blend of time-honoured craftsmanship and cutting-edge technological innovation. Our approach transcends mere alteration of metal’s form. It involves understanding its intrinsic properties and skilfully transforming it to meet precise client requirements. Whether crafting complex profiles, executing intricate bends, or shaping custom forms, our expertise guarantees precision and quality. Each project is undertaken with unparalleled care.

This meticulous process begins with a thorough consultation to grasp fully the unique needs and challenges of each project. Our team, leveraging their extensive knowledge and experience, then applies a combination of traditional techniques and modern methods to shape the metal. This includes leveraging advanced technologies such as CNC machining and laser cutting, which allow for exacting accuracy and repeatability. Furthermore, our commitment to innovation drives us to continually explore new methods and technologies that can enhance our capabilities and the quality of our work.

Our dedication to excellence is evident in every piece we create. It not only meets but often exceeds our clients’ expectations. By maintaining high standards of precision and quality, Intamet solidifies its leadership in metal manipulation. We are trusted by industries across the UK and beyond. Our approach goes beyond meeting current needs. We anticipate future requirements and evolve our services to meet those challenges head-on.

Innovations in Steel Bending

The realm of steel bending and forming is continuously advancing, and Intamet proudly leads this charge, embracing the latest innovations to redefine precision and efficiency in metal manipulation. Our strategic adoption of groundbreaking technologies, such as laser forming and computational design algorithms, marks a significant leap forward. These advancements allow us to sculpt complex 3D structures from flat sheets with unmatched accuracy. They also help minimise waste, reflecting our commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices.

Why Intamet Stands Apart

Unmatched Expertise:

  • Our team’s extensive knowledge spans the full spectrum of metal bending, forming, and profiling. This expertise ensures we can navigate the complexities of any project, delivering bespoke solutions that cater to the specific requirements of our clients.

State-of-the-Art Technology:

  • At Intamet, we harness the power of the latest advancements in metal manipulation technology. This commitment to innovation allows us to offer solutions that are not only cutting-edge but also highly efficient, setting new standards in the industry.

Customised Solutions:

  • We understand that each project is unique. With a client-centric approach, we tailor our services to precisely align with your specifications, guaranteeing outcomes that meet your needs with exacting precision.

Quality Assurance:

  • Our unwavering dedication to quality underpins every aspect of our work. Through stringent processes and a keen eye for detail, we ensure that every product and service we deliver surpasses the highest expectations. Our quality assurance practices are designed to provide peace of mind, affirming that you are receiving the best possible outcome.

Our commitment to innovation, expertise, technology, and a tailored approach sets Intamet apart in the steel bending industry. We meet current client demands and anticipate future challenges. We evolve our services to meet these challenges head-on. This forward-thinking mindset cements our position as a trusted UK business partner. We deliver solutions that are effective, sustainable, and forward-looking.


What materials can Intamet work with?

  • We specialise in a wide array of materials, including various grades of stainless steel, aluminium, and nickel alloys, ensuring versatility and excellence in every project.

Can Intamet handle custom projects?

  • Absolutely. Our expertise shines in custom projects, where we collaborate closely with clients to bring their visions to life with precision and creativity.

What industries does Intamet serve?

  • Our services extend across numerous industries, including construction, architecture, automotive, aerospace, and more, showcasing our versatility and adaptability.

How does Intamet ensure the highest quality in steel bending?

  • Through rigorous quality control, state-of-the-art technology, and a team of skilled professionals, we ensure that every project meets the highest standards of quality and precision.

Is sustainability a consideration in your processes?

  • Yes, sustainability is at the core of our operations. We strive to minimise waste and utilise eco-friendly practices in all our metal bending, forming, and profiling services.

What sets Intamet apart in the steel bending industry?

  • Our unmatched expertise, state-of-the-art technology, customised solutions, and unwavering commitment to quality set us apart as a leader in the industry.

How does Intamet incorporate innovation in its services?

  • We embrace the latest innovations, such as laser forming and computational design algorithms, to redefine precision and efficiency in metal manipulation.

Can Intamet provide solutions for high-complexity projects?

  • Yes, our team’s deep knowledge and the use of cutting-edge technology enable us to tackle high-complexity projects, delivering bespoke solutions that meet specific client requirements.

What advancements has Intamet made in metal forming and profiling?

  • We’ve made significant advancements by adopting laser forming and exploring the principles of origami in metal forming, allowing for the creation of intricate 3D shapes and reducing material waste.

How can clients start a project with Intamet?

  • Clients can start a project by reaching out to us at or calling us at +44 1329 84 3355 for a thorough consultation to understand their needs and how we can meet them.

Further Reading and Resources

Discover more about our innovative metal bending process and other services by visiting Intamet’s Homepage and our dedicated Bending, Forming & Profiling page.

Contact Us

For detailed information or to discuss your specific steel bending needs, please reach out to us at or call us at +44 1329 84 3355. At Intamet, we’re ready to bend the possibilities to your will.

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