Intamet: Professional Quality Metal Supplier

At Intamet, we are proud to be a leading metal supplier in the UK, offering a wide range of high-quality metal products and services. With over 25 years of experience, we have built a reputation for excellence and reliability. This blog will provide an overview of our offerings and highlight why we are the preferred choice for many industries.

Comprehensive Range of Metal Products

Established in 1998, Intamet Ltd specialises in the supply of various metals, including stainless steel, nickel alloys, duplex, super duplex, and aluminium. Our extensive inventory ensures that we meet the diverse needs of our customers across different sectors. We pride ourselves on offering top-quality materials that cater to specific industry requirements, ensuring reliability and performance.

1. Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is one of the most versatile and widely used materials in various industries due to its exceptional properties.

  • Applications: Stainless steel is essential in construction for structural components, cladding, and handrails, providing both strength and aesthetic appeal. In the automotive industry, it is used for exhaust systems, trim, and structural components, offering durability and resistance to corrosion. Aerospace applications include aircraft frames, engine components, and fasteners, where high strength-to-weight ratios and resistance to extreme temperatures are critical. In the medical field, stainless steel is utilised for surgical instruments, implants, and hospital equipment, benefiting from its biocompatibility and ease of sterilisation.
  • Benefits: The material’s high corrosion resistance ensures longevity and minimal maintenance. Its durability allows it to withstand harsh environments and mechanical stress. The aesthetic appeal of stainless steel makes it a preferred choice for visible architectural features and consumer goods.

2. Nickel Alloys

Nickel alloys are highly valued for their superior performance in extreme environments.

  • Applications: In the oil and gas industry, nickel alloys are used for drilling equipment, pipelines, and valves, where they must endure high pressures and corrosive substances. The nuclear sector relies on nickel alloys for reactor components and fuel rod cladding due to their resistance to radiation and high temperatures. Marine applications include shipbuilding and offshore platforms, where resistance to saltwater corrosion is paramount.
  • Benefits: Nickel alloys offer excellent high-temperature tolerance, maintaining strength and stability in extreme conditions. Their mechanical properties provide robustness and longevity, essential for critical applications. The alloys’ resistance to oxidation and corrosion ensures reliability and safety in demanding environments.

3. Aluminium

Aluminium is a lightweight yet strong material, making it indispensable in several industries.

  • Applications: In aerospace, aluminium is used for aircraft frames, fuselage panels, and wing structures, providing strength without adding excessive weight. The automotive industry uses aluminium for body panels, engine components, and wheels, contributing to fuel efficiency and performance. In construction, aluminium is employed for window frames, roofing, and curtain walls, offering durability and ease of installation.
  • Benefits: Aluminium’s lightweight nature reduces overall weight, enhancing efficiency and performance in transportation applications. Its high strength-to-weight ratio makes it ideal for structural applications. Aluminium’s excellent corrosion resistance ensures longevity, even in outdoor and marine environments.

By offering a comprehensive range of high-quality metals, Intamet Ltd ensures that our customers receive the best materials tailored to their specific needs. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes us a trusted partner in various industries.

Key Services We Offer

Intamet is not just a supplier of metal products. We provide a range of services to meet your project’s specific needs. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest level of service and support, ensuring that every project is executed to the highest standards.

1. Custom Fabrication and Machining

  • Service: We offer tailored metal components manufactured to precise specifications. Our custom fabrication and machining services include cutting, forming, welding, and assembling metal parts to create bespoke solutions.
  • Benefits: This service ensures an exact fit and functionality for unique applications, enhancing the overall performance and efficiency of your project. By utilising advanced machinery and techniques, we can produce intricate designs and complex shapes, meeting the specific requirements of various industries.

2. Welding and Finishing

  • Service: Our professional welding and finishing services enhance the durability and appearance of metal products. We specialise in various welding techniques, including TIG, MIG, and spot welding, to join metal components seamlessly.
  • Benefits: The result is robust, aesthetically pleasing final products that meet stringent quality standards. Our finishing services, including grinding, polishing, and coating, provide a smooth and refined surface, ensuring the longevity and visual appeal of the metal products.

3. Cutting and Profiling

  • Service: We offer precision cutting and profiling services using waterjet, laser, and plasma cutting technologies. These methods allow for accurate and clean shaping of metal components, suitable for various applications.
  • Benefits: High accuracy and clean edges are guaranteed, reducing the need for additional finishing work. These cutting techniques are ideal for creating detailed and complex shapes, ensuring that each component meets the exact specifications required for your project.

4. Polishing and Finishing

  • Service: Our polishing and finishing services include a range of finishes, such as mirror, satin, and bead blasting. These finishes enhance the visual appeal and surface quality of metal products.
  • Benefits: Polishing and finishing improve the corrosion resistance of metal surfaces, making them more durable and suitable for harsh environments. The aesthetic enhancement adds value to the final product, making it more appealing for architectural and decorative applications.
  • OD/ID Polished Tubing with finishes from 80 grit all the way to 3000 grit.

At Intamet, we understand that every project has unique requirements. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet these needs, providing you with high-quality, customised solutions. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the best support and expertise throughout your project. Choose Intamet for reliable, professional services that deliver outstanding results.

Industries We Serve

Intamet supplies high-quality metal products to a wide range of industries, ensuring they receive materials that meet their specific requirements. Our extensive range of metals and tailored services make us a trusted partner across various sectors, providing reliability, performance, and innovation.

1. Oil and Gas

  • Applications: Our products, such as pipes, fittings, and flanges, are essential in the oil and gas industry. These components are used in exploration, drilling, and refining processes, where they must endure harsh conditions.
  • Benefits: The materials we supply resist corrosion and high temperatures, ensuring long-term reliability and safety. This resistance is crucial in environments exposed to corrosive substances and extreme pressures, where material failure is not an option.

2. Nuclear

  • Applications: We provide high-quality components for nuclear power plants, including reactor parts and containment vessels. These components must perform reliably under exposure to radiation and high temperatures.
  • Benefits: Our metals offer high corrosion resistance and durability in extreme environments. This ensures that the components maintain their integrity and performance, contributing to the safe and efficient operation of nuclear facilities.

3. Construction

  • Applications: Our metals are used in structural components, facades, and architectural elements. These materials provide the necessary strength and support for buildings and infrastructure.
  • Benefits: The strength and aesthetic appeal of our products ensure long-lasting structures that can withstand environmental stresses. Our metals also offer versatility in design, allowing for both functional and visually striking architectural features.

4. Marine

  • Applications: We supply metals for marine structures and components, including shipbuilding, offshore platforms, and coastal installations.
  • Benefits: We design our materials to specifically resist saltwater and harsh marine conditions. This resistance ensures the longevity and reliability of marine structures, reducing maintenance costs and enhancing safety.

5. Pharmaceutical

  • Applications: The pharmaceutical industry uses our metals in hygienic tubing and fittings. These components are crucial in manufacturing processes that require high levels of cleanliness and sterility.
  • Benefits: The high corrosion resistance of our products ensures that they remain free from contamination and degradation. Additionally, their ease of sterilisation makes them ideal for maintaining the stringent hygiene standards required in pharmaceutical production.

At Intamet, we understand the unique needs of each industry we serve. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that our clients receive the best materials and services tailored to their specific requirements. Whether you are in the oil and gas sector, nuclear industry, construction, marine, or pharmaceutical field, you can rely on Intamet to provide the high-quality metal products you need for your projects.

Our Commitment to Quality

At Intamet, quality is at the core of everything we do. We adhere to stringent quality standards, ensuring that every product meets global specifications. Our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility drives us to minimise our impact on the planet while delivering superior products and services.

FAQs About Intamet

Q: What types of metals does Intamet supply?

A: We supply stainless steel, nickel alloys, duplex, super duplex, and aluminium, catering to various industry needs.

Q: What services does Intamet offer?

A: We offer custom fabrication, machining, welding, finishing, cutting, profiling, polishing, and more to meet specific project requirements.

Q: Which industries use Intamet’s metal products?

A: Our products are used in oil and gas, nuclear, construction, marine, pharmaceutical, vacuum and more.

Q: How does Intamet ensure the quality of its products?

A: We adhere to strict quality standards, with every product thoroughly tested and checked to meet global specifications.

Q: Can Intamet provide custom metal components?

A: Yes, we offer customised sizes, grades, and fabrication services to meet unique project demands.

Q: Why choose Intamet as a metal supplier?

A: With over 25 years of experience, we provide high-quality products, excellent customer service, and tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Q: How does Intamet support sustainability?

A: We focus on using sustainable practices and materials, ensuring minimal environmental impact while meeting customer requirements.

Q: What are the benefits of using Intamet’s stainless steel products?

A: Our stainless steel products offer high corrosion resistance, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making them suitable for various applications.

Q: How can I contact Intamet for more information?

A: Visit our Contact Page, email us at, or call us at +44 1329 84 3355.

Q: What makes Intamet’s nickel alloys suitable for high-temperature applications?

A: Our nickel alloys have excellent high-temperature tolerance and mechanical properties, making them ideal for demanding environments.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your metal product requirements, please visit our Contact Page, email us at, or call us at +44 1329 84 3355.

Further Reading and Resources

At Intamet, we provide top-quality metal products that meet the highest standards.Our extensive industry knowledge and experience ensure that you receive the best solutions for your projects. Choose Intamet for reliable, durable, and sustainable stainless steel products.

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