1.4948 / 304H Stainless Steel | Intamet Ltd

304H is a high carbon stainless steel with high strength and improved high-temperature properties, good formability and weldability.

304H is a high carbon variant of 304 stainless steel, which is an austenitic stainless steel. It has more carbon than 304L, making it stronger and better for high temperatures. It is used in furnaces and heat exchangers.

​It is also known as "high carbon" or "H" grade stainless steel. It has a minimum carbon content of 0.04% which gives it a higher tensile strength and yield strength compared to 304L. The high carbon content also results in a higher hardness and better machinability compared to 304L.

​304H also maintains the excellent corrosion resistance. It is resistant to corrosion in a wide range of environments, including neutral and acidic environments. It is also resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion in chloride-containing environments.

It is easily shaped and joined. This makes it useful for many things. Some examples include furnace parts, chemical processing equipment, and pressure vessels. It also used in the oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, and power generation industries.

​It is commonly used at temperatures above 550°C, and it can withstand temperatures up to 870°C for short periods of time. Long exposure to high temperatures can reduce corrosion resistance. Consider the application's conditions before choosing 304H stainless steel.

Physical & Mechanical Properties of 304H / 1.4948

The strength and other characteristics of 304H stainless steel can change based on how it is made and used. However, in general, the mechanical properties of 304H stainless steel include:

  • Tensile strength: 515-860 MPa (74,000-125,000 psi)
  • Yield strength: 205-515 MPa (29,700-74,000 psi)
  • Elongation: 40-50%
  • Hardness (Brinell): 217-269
  • Modulus of Elasticity: 193 GPa (28 x 106 psi)
  • Poisson's Ratio: 0.29

Tensile strength refers to the amount of stress a material can handle before breaking. Yield strength, on the other hand, is the point at which a material begins to permanently change shape.

Lastly, elongation measures a material's ability to stretch without breaking. Hardness measures the difficulty of making an indentation on a material. Modulus of elasticity measures how well a material can bounce back to its original shape after being changed. Poisson's Ratio is the ratio of transverse strain to longitudinal strain.

These values are average and can change depending on the conditions when the material is made and used.

Chemical Composition of 304H / 1.4948

  • The chemical composition of 304H stainless steel includes:
  • Carbon: 0.04-0.10%
  • Manganese: 2.00% max
  • Phosphorus: 0.045% max
  • Sulfur: 0.03% max
  • Silicon: 1.00% max
  • Chromium: 18.0-20.0%
  • Nickel: 8.0-10.5%
  • Nitrogen: 0.10-0.16%

​304H Stainless Steel is an austenitic stainless steel that contains at least 18% chromium, 8% nickel, and a maximum of 0.10% carbon.

The addition of carbon gives it increased strength and high-temperature properties, while chromium and nickel give it excellent corrosion resistance. Other elements such as manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, and nitrogen are present in smaller quantities. These elements are used to improve specific properties or meet various standards.

​The chemical makeup of 304H stainless steel can change based on how it is made and used.

Variants of 304

There are several variants of stainless steel 304, some of the most common include:

  1. 304L: This variant of 304 stainless steel has a lower carbon content, making it less susceptible to intergranular corrosion. It is also known as "low carbon" or "L" grade stainless steel.
  2. 304H: This variant of 304 stainless steel has a higher carbon content, making it more suitable for high-temperature applications. It is also known as "high carbon" or "H" grade stainless steel.
  3. 304N: This variant of 304 stainless steel has higher nitrogen content which improves its strength and toughness.
  4. 304LN: This variant of 304L stainless steel has higher nitrogen content which improves its strength and toughness.
  5. 304Cu: This variant of 304 stainless steel contains copper, which improves its corrosion resistance.
  6. 304F: This variant of 304 stainless steel contains sulfur, which improves its machinability.

These variants of 304 stainless steel have good resistance to rust and can be easily shaped. They also have extra qualities that make them suitable for specific uses.


Intamet offers 304H in a wide range of forms, including the below:

Our Products: Alloy Tubes & Pipes

Tubes & Pipes

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